Thursday, December 12, 2013

How my hypergrid standalone is like a 90's homepage.

After a short hiatus, Raz Cafe is back!  ( )

I can finally focus on getting back to whatever it I was doing on HG

... which was nothing, really.

Its like back in the early 90's when everyone had to have their own homepage on the world wide web- for absolutely no reason other than to have it out there. Its not like it even did anything important, it was just some site with a bunch of gif's and jpg's you saved off of another page and put them in (bad bad bad!).

If you were being tech savvy maybe you had your resume up there, with probably some sort of badly repeating texture- the kind where you just see this square block of some sort of general color tiled across the entire window. And we thought this kind of thing was cool. Some people do this with their terrain textures- good job, keep the tradition alive.

OH. And MIDI everywhere.

I basically think that every homepage in the 90's was building up to the hamster dance. (TIL that the hamster dance song is actually a sped up version of the beginning of disney's Robin Hood, where the rooster sings dee dah dee dah doh doh on his mandolin).

So, lets make a hit list here:

Raz Cafe vs. 90's Homepage
  • Parcel Media.........................MIDI (f'yeah)
  • LSL guest list........................Guest Book
  • Hypergate.............................Links to other websites
  • Broken Hypergates..............Broken links
  • Maybe 3 people visit.............Maybe 3 people visit
  • Has no substantial content.....Had no substantial content
  • Repeating textures.................Badly repeating textures
  • A drawing or two..................Cheesy clipart
  • Some guest snapshots...........Awkward snapshots

At the end of the day? I still have no clue what I'm doing it for, but I enjoy having it up there and knowing that other people have visited. Its the kind of thing you do because its fun and you enjoy tinkering with it.

I'll have to figure out a way to post a dancing hamster somewhere in the cafe.

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